

Foreword: This is a lengthy article. To save time, or, for those who don’t like to read, the salient points are listed first.

They illuminate four major phases of a master plan designed to subjugate the Carpenter workforce. The plan will:

1) Restructure the rank-and-file Carpenters out of the political process. Disenfranchise them.
2) Restructure the principles of labor supply. Recruit pools of labor and organize a universal association of employers.
3) Restructure the twice-undervalued Union real estate assets*. Liquidate the real estate and put the money into other investments where it will bring a higher return for the benefit of those who now control the assets. (Bring about a realization of intrinsic value.)
4) Create a one-stop service organization for employers (a deal they can’t say no to), and for carpenters (a deal they don’t dare say no to).
5) Spread the restructuring to other trades and unions to include everyone. If you have already reached these conclusions on your own, you need read no further because you are already enlightened. You may now go mow the lawn. What follows is a little history, some explanations, facts, rumors, questions, and likely prophecy.

Circumstantial Evidence,
Part 1. RESTRUCTURING May 27, 1997. Headline in the Northern California Carpenter: “GENERAL PRESIDENT ORDERS COUNCIL MERGERS.”
May 28, 1997: “…two representatives of General President Douglas McCarron came to Local 34 and notified us that, pursuant to Section 6A of the Constitution of the United Brotherhood, I have determined that it is in the best interest of the United Brotherhood and its members to restructure in Northern California.” From a letter dated June 5, 1997 to Local 34 members.

Many Local Unions all over America must have received similar letters. These messages were the precursors of a carefully hatched plot to eliminate and transfer the historical power base of the Union to the office of General President from its business agents and other locally-elected officials. This action, directed by GP Douglas McCarron, was supposedly based upon previously Constitutionally-mandated Bylaws. An examination of the Carpenters Constitution discloses no such Bylaws. Using this fictionally constructed code, the Northern California Carpenters Regional Council invited GP Douglas McCarron to intervene and annul all democratic rights held by the region’s union members and to institute a complete dictatorship. May 29, 1997. In a letter under the heading “Re: Northern California Carpenters Regional Council Bylaws, addressed, “Dear President McCarron,” and followed by the preface:

“As the appointed President and Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Northern California Carpenters Regional Council we wish to request approval of the enclosed interim Bylaws that include the thirty-three (33) basic Bylaws mandated by the Constitution of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America.”

“The changes to these Bylaws that are requested include the following:

3. Changes in Section 8 provide that the Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall have the authority to maintain the sum of $500.00 for contingent expenses. Additionally he shall have the power to hire and fire subject to the personnel policy that has been adopted by the interim executive board and finally that the Executive Secretary Treasurer shall be Chairman of the 46 Northern California Counties Conference Board by virtue of his office.


Section 3. POWERS This council shall be the central governing body over and shall have legislative and executive powers on all matters relating to the general interest and welfare of affiliated Local Unions and their members. The Council shall establish working dues (that are sufficient to operate the Council) payable to the Council and initiation fees. It shall have the power to collect and retain all fines levied by the council for violation of the laws, trade and other rules of the Council. The council shall have the power to issue the quarterly work card. It shall have the power to make agreements with kindred bodies or central organizations and send delegates to same whenever deemed necessary. The Council shall have the power to hire, discipline, promote, and fire all employees of the Council, including Organizers and Representatives. Persons employed on matters within the jurisdiction of the council. Except for clerical employees of Local Unions, all persons employed on matters within the jurisdiction of the Council, including Business Representatives, Representatives, and organizers, shall be employees of the council. No person shall be an employee of an affiliated Local Union except for persons employed in clerical positions. Upon approval of these Bylaws, all Local Union employment positions, except for clerical positions, shall cease to exist. Furthermore, the Council shall have all other powers provided for in the Bylaws.”

This cover letter was over the signatures of Michael Munoz, President, Northern California Carpenters Regional Council, and John Casey, Executive Officer, Northern California Regional Council. It must be noted here that shortly after this communication was sent out, President Michael Munoz, to his credit, resigned his position on the Regional Council. Similar Bylaws were imposed upon all other Local Unions and Councils in the United States and Canada during this period, under protest by only a few Local Unions. These Bylaws were never voted upon by the membership of the Carpenters Union, only by council delegates. Only the language which authorized the use of authoritarian powers was employed. For McCarron, the words below, also excerpted from paragraph A, Section 6, of the Carpenters Constitution, simply never existed. ...

The vested rights of the members shall be preserved and where action as herein described is taken, the General President and General Executive Board shall preserve the membership rights of the members of affected Local Unions, including their right to attend and participate in meetings, to vote, to nominate candidates and to be nominated and run for office or business representative.…

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